Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 103

volume Number : 17
number In Volume : 9
issue Number : 103

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17، number In Volume 9، ، issue Number 103

Social themes in the poetry of poets of Iran and Afghanistan: Malek al-Shaara Mohammad Taqi Bahar and Malek al-Shaara Abdulhaq Bitab

Royda Ahmadi , Ali Asghar Babasalar (Author in Charge), Ali Mohammad Moazzeni , Roholah Hadi


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Comparative literature emerged as a separate and independent branch in literary studies in the 19th century. Considering the common language and proximity of the two nations of Iran and Afghanistan, it is natural to see similarities and differences in the contemporary literature of the two nations.

Iran and Afghanistan, in addition to the same language, also have many similarities in the field of culture and literature, and the history of social and literary developments of these two countries are similar and comparable in places. Processing the themes of the poem can introduce us to some aspects of the poet"s personality. This manifestation is not limited to political and geographical borders; therefore, in the field of comparative literature, it is possible to compare the concerns of poets to understand the similarities and differences of their personalities. Despite the same subjects in the poems of some poets, sometimes we think of two poets from two countries coming out of the same environment. In this article, we have tried to compare the poems of two famous and contemporary Afghan and Iranian poets, Malik Al-Shaara Abd al-Haq Bitab and Malik Al-Shaarai Bahar, in terms of social themes.

METHODOLOGY: This research has studied the poems of Bitab and Bahar with a descriptive analytical method, relying on a comparative approach and with regard to societies, and has searched for similarities in their poems. In this review, the social issues of the poems of these two poets are emphasized.

FINDINGS: According to the findings, what the poet or writer brings in his works is a direct or indirect reflection of the conditions of the society in which he lives. The contemporary era of Iran and Afghanistan, due to the ups and downs and transformations that arose from the arrival of modernity in the Middle East, had a greater and deeper impact on poets and writers than other periods. The constitutional period is a turning point in the history of the Iranian nation. In this period, literature also moved in step with the constitutionalists and rushed to their aid. Therefore, studying societies in contemporary literature, or examining contemporary literature with a sociological approach, helps to understand the situation of that era.

CONCLUSION: Based on this, it was found that concepts such as patriotism, unity of Muslims, justice, freedom, the concept of progress and advancement are represented in the poetry of both poets in various forms. Due to the fact that Bitab has been less political compared to Bahar, political concepts have appeared less in his poetry.

Comparative Literature , King of Spring Poets , King Poet Abdul Haq Betab , Contemporary Poetry Afghanistan , the poetry of the constitutional period

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